All questions asked

All the questions asked on HR Cosmos to date are to be found here. For a good user experience and the opportunity to see the full version of all answers and comments, we recommend you to look at the questions in the registered area.


Glassdoor or Kununu – where can I get the best insight into a company?

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1 solution

Signing MbO-Review – what to do in case of refusal?

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1 solution

How do you guarantee strategic skills management in your department or company?

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1 solution

Some of our employees are also writing emails very late in the evening – do we need to intervene?

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1 solution

What are appropriate burnout-prevention measures for employees in the company?

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1 solution

What are reasonable rates/fees for the payment of recruiters?

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1 solution

Who can give us a recommendation for HR software for a Swiss SME?

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1 solution

SuccessFactors: Can a predefined workflow be saved for the salary/bonus planning?

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1 solution

Is there an employment-reference generator?

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1 solution

Where can I find helpful information on Swiss social-security law?

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1 solution

Can the boss send his/her staff Facebook friend requests?

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1 solution

Where can I find the current withholding tax rates?

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1 solution

When can personnel data be transmitted/saved abroad?

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1 solution

Who owns the notes on an application (e.g., interview notes)?

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1 solution

What does “employer branding” mean?

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1 solution

What are the advantages of variable remuneration systems?

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1 solution

What is the purpose of personnel dossiers?

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1 solution

What do “talent hybrid”, “core hybrid” and “full cloud” mean?

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1 solution

By when can an employee expect an interim reference if he/she requests one?

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1 solution

What is the recommendation for the retention time for application documents in applicant pools?

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1 solution

What are the pros and cons of the home office and what are the most important arguments?

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1 solution

What is the most sought competence today?

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4 solutions

How would you define a 360° Feedback? Why is it important?

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1 solution

Under what conditions may personal data be stored abroad?

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1 solution

What is the purpose of personnel dossiers?

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1 solution

What are the essential considerations when setting objectives in MbO?

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1 solution

What is meant by “onboarding”?

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2 solutions

What are the benefits of career planning?

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1 solution

What should be addressed in a probationary interview?

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1 solution

What is the difference between the various types of reference letters?

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1 solution

One of our employees would like to work part time from the US remotely. Possible?

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1 solution

What does data privacy mean for employee?

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1 solution

Unterstützt PeopleDoc Single Sign On?

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1 solution

Kind krank, Mutter zu Hause, Vater möchte das Kind betreuen

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2 solutions

Ferienkürzung bei Krankheit: Gibt es im Monat einer Ferienfähigkeit trotz AUF auch eine Kürzung?

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1 solution

krankgeschrieben und arbeitet extern?

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2 solutions

Bonuskürzung durch Krankheit?

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1 solution

Ferienanspruch bei Austritt pro rata - Berücksichtigung Betriebsferien?

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2 solutions


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3 solutions

Ein Arbeitnehmer ist krankgeschrieben und kündigt nun, verlängt sich die Kündigungsfrist?

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1 solution

Weiterarbeit nach Pensionsalter?

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1 solution

Verhängung Feriensperre respektive Ferienanordnung

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1 solution

Ist eine Verwarnung von vor 5 Jahren noch gültig?

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3 solutions

Verlängerung der Kündigungsfrist bei Krankheit und Unfall?

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1 solution

Kündigung in Probezeit?

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2 solutions

Reisezeit am Sonntag?

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1 solution

Kirchliche Mitarbeitende als Ausnahme gem. Art. 3 ArG?

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1 solution

Abwesenheit infolge Krankheit während Kündigungsfrist?

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1 solution

Ferien- und Überstunden bei Freistellung?

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2 solutions

Künden während dem unbezahlten Urlaub?

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2 solutions

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